Apples are a sweet, simple fruit choice in many diets. On keto, though, not all produce is worth the time — or the carbs. So, are apples keto? We’ll cover all your questions about apples on keto here, including carbs in apples and a few surprising recipes. Need more help determining whether foods are keto friendly? Use this handy keto food list. And if you’re totally new to keto, use this keto guide to get started right.

Are Apples Keto Friendly?

Apples are not keto friendly. These fruits are high in fructose (a kind of sugar), and can easily knock you out of ketosis.

How Many Carbs In Apples?

Do apples have carbs? Without a doubt. So, just how many carbs are in an apple? The answer to that question, along with net carbs in apples, depends on the serving, size, and variety of your fruit.

How many carbs in a small apple?

How many carbs does an apple have if it’s small? One small apple contains 20.6 total carbs and 3.6 grams of fiber, giving it 17 grams of net carbs [*].

How many carbs in a medium apple?

Is a medium apple keto? Still no — the average medium apple has 20.7 grams of net carbs, and 25 total carbs [*].

How many carbs in a large apple?

When the fruit is large, are apples low carb? Nope. Large apples have 30.8 total carbs and 25.5 grams of net carbs [*].

Carbs in Honeycrisp apples

Honeycrisp apples on keto are also a no-go. One medium Honeycrisp contains 22 total carbs and 17.1 grams of net carbs [*].

Green apple carbs

How many carbs in a green apple? Green apple carbs, including carbs in a Granny Smith apple, are also high. One medium fruit has 18 grams of net carbs [*].

Carbs in Gala apples

This fruit has high carbs, too. One medium Gala apple tallies up to 19.5 grams of net carbs [*].

Carbs in Fuji apples

A single medium Fuji apple contains 25.2 grams of net carbs [*]. You should avoid these apples on keto as well.

Carbs in apple juice

Juicing a fruit will increase its carb count even more. Just four ounces of pure apple juice contains nearly 14 grams of net carbs [*].

Is Apple Cider Vinegar Keto?

With the high carbs in apples, you might think that apple cider vinegar is off the table as well. Not so! Apple cider vinegar comes from apple juice that has been fermented into cider, then fermented again into vinegar. Fermenting twice allows bacteria and yeast to consume almost all the sugar content, making it very keto friendly.

Carbs in apple cider vinegar

Keto and apple cider vinegar are a winning combination. A tablespoon contains zero total carbs [*], so you can enjoy it frequently.

Keto Apple Substitutes

Can you eat apples on keto? Not really — but you can create similar flavors and textures with these substitutes.

Squash – Zucchini, yellow squash, or chayote squash make excellent cooked apple substitutes. My keto apple pie is proof:

Flavor extracts – Options like apple extract or maple extract can capture the right flavor in baked goods. Try one in these salted caramel apple muffins. Jicama – For sweetness and crunch without added carbs, this is a tasty low carb swap. Other keto fruits – If you simply crave fruit without the high carbs, substitute a more keto-friendly option. See this keto fruit list for ideas.

Conclusion: Are Apples Keto?

So, are apples keto? Definitely not — but with the right substitute, you can still enjoy their fruity flavor.