Quick baked chicken recipes are mid week life savers and this balsamic chicken is a back-pocket gem along with simple Honey Mustard Chicken, Juicy Baked Breasts and country-style Baked Thighs.

Sticky Balsamic Chicken

This is a baked chicken recipe for busy weeknights, lazy Sundays, and every other day in between. When it’s this effortless to make something so lip smackingly good with ingredients that are basic pantry essentials, frozen meals and home delivery aren’t even a passing thought. No matter how nuts your household is at dinner time, no matter how tired you are, no matter how irritating and incompetent your boss is, how bad the commute home was, how miserable the weather is – you got this.💪🏼 2 minutes to make the sauce (and that includes reaching / taking lid off / measuring). Pour over chicken and bake. No marinating required – the glaze is so sticky and has enough flavour that you don’t need to marinate. Though you can if you want. I don’t. Don’t think I ever have. This is a quick-unplanned-on-the-fly type recipe, in my books. 🙂 And this is what comes out of the oven.

This baked chicken recipe is effortless – high returns for very little effort!

This Balsamic Chicken is so sticky. You just want to grab it with your hands and suck your fingers clean. Frankly, I’m all for that. I am a huge fan of eating with hands, I just always wonder where that line is where eating with hands becomes unacceptable!

The sugar and honey in the glaze balances out the tartness of the balsamic

When I wrote out this recipe for this Baked Balsamic Chicken with the intention of posting it, I did hesitate for a moment at the amount of honey and sugar in the balsamic glaze. But it needs it. Not only because it’s what makes the sauce reduce down into a sticky glaze, but also because balsamic vinegar is very tangy and needs a decent amount of sweetness to offset it. Even my anti-overly-sweet-things mother, who happened to be over when I was shooting this (she does tend to drop by at rather convenient times i.e. when there’s a massive pile of washing up to do),  declared that it’s not too sweet because of the tanginess of the balsamic. She really liked it. She hoovered down a drumstick incredibly fast [for a woman of her age😂] then reached for another before I smacked her hand away. I wasn’t finishing photographing!!!! This stuff is hard to photograph – they have a tendency to look like black blobs of coal!!! – Nagi x

More simple baked bone-in chicken thigh recipes

Sticky baked Honey Soy Chicken Baked Chicken and Rice Honey Mustard Chicken – also this version with Potatoes and crispy bacon! Baked Greek Marinated Chicken Homemade Chicken Doner Kebabs

JUICY Baked Chicken Breast Greek Chicken Gyros Chicken STROGANOFF! Quick Crispy Garlic Chicken Thighs Simple country baked chicken thighs Crispy Parmesan Crusted Chicken Browse all chicken recipes



Baked Balsamic Chicken recipe video!


Superb display of canine athleticism and sheer determination to ….. well, to be the first to reach a blue rubber duck. 😂


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