“This is how you justify having dessert for breakfast…” The problem with these Strawberry Nutella French Toast Roll Ups is that they are way too easy to make. Because frankly, let’s not kid ourselves, these are not a normal breakfast by any stretch of the imagination. I made these in the morning to take photos and as I munched on them afterwards, all I could think was “damn, these are the best doughnuts ever”. The thought of them being breakfast never even occurred to me. But, but, but…..it’s french toast! French toast is for breakfast! Okaaaaay then….okay. So is this how you justify having dessert for breakfast?

This isn’t an original recipe I came up with. I’ve seen strawberry stuffed french toast roll ups “around”, but I have noticed that they all seem to use cream cheese rather than Nutella. I tried it with cream cheese, but I much prefer making these with Nutella because….well, Nutella vs cream cheese? Nutella wins, hands down, every single time.

It constantly amazes me that with a handful of ingredients you can whip up a breakfast like this in 15 minutes. Honestly, no matter how sketchy I’m feeling after a few too many wines the night before, I can still muster up the strength to make these. And after a few bites, I perk up considerably! I know it’s tempting to head out for brunch on the weekend, but why not stay in and try these? Coffee refills are free, and brunch at home means you don’t have to get out of your PJ’s or straighten your hair (ahh, the joys of being a girl!). Happy brunching! – Nagi

Cute spins on French Toast

Cinnamon French Toast Sticks Cinnamon French Toast bites Bacon French Toast Roll Ups Monte Cristo (Ham Cheese French Toast Sandwich) And also – Classic French Toast!

Save these Strawberry Nutella French Toast Roll Ups to you “Breakfast” Pinterest Board!

And let’s be friends on Pinterest so you can see all the delicious recipes I’m pinning!  

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