“That was the most amazing salad I’ve ever had! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!” <– Text message from she who received a container of this. 🙂 If you’re new to wild rice – once you’ve wild riced it, you never go back.  Though the irony in all this wild rice talk is that it isn’t actually a rice. It’s a grain. I’m guessing the rice-powers-that-be decided to call this Wild Rice because it looks like rice and it’s…err…. grown in the wild? 😂 Here’s an up close and personal of the star ingredient in this dish. It’s cooked like pasta, boiled in water. But it tastes so much more exotic than normal rice. Nutty and toasty. It’s so good, you’ll be picking at it while it’s cooling – or wait, is that just me who has such a lack of self constraint?

Yes it costs more than ordinary rice. It $4.70 for 150g/5 oz which is 1 cup which is the amount required to make this salad. It’s “exotic”! 🙂 And it’s worth it, for a celebratory salad – or a salad for a special occasion. 🙂 And yes, pomegranates are a splurge too. Let’s say it as it is – they make anything you scatter them over look gorgeous, the pops of fresh pomegranate juice from every bite can take any ordinary salad to another level, but they are not cheap. Usually $3 to $4 each here in Australia. Worth it? For this Wild Rice Salad – YES. I saw a video recently where a store bought pack of pomegranate seeds were tossed into a salad. We don’t have packaged pomegranates here in Australia (as far as I know), and I’m totally cool with that. Because part of the joy of indulging in pomegranate is the art of getting the seeds out. You spank it with a wooden spoon. It is childishly satisfying. I used to do a section for an Australian recipe magazine, and for a recipe with pomegranate in it, I included instructions to “spank it firmly with a wooden spoon to remove the seeds.” That step was edited out. Apparently, “spanking” is a no-no term for use in a G-rated recipe magazine! 😂

Wild Rice and pomegranate aside, this Wild Rice Salad is filled with all manner of deliciousness that gives it that glorious kaleidoscope of colours and textures. I’d rather not list them, prefer to show you instead:

I know it looks like there’s bugger all rocket / arugula in it, but actually, there’s quite a mound of it. I like to chop it up roughly which makes this a scoopable salad, and this reduces the considerable mound once tossed through everything else. I made a deliberate choice to keep the dressing for this Wild Rice Salad very simple. It’s just a basic white wine vinaigrette – though you could switch the vinegar for any other clear vinegar. I like to keep the dressing simple to let the flavours of the things in the salad to shine through – especially the wild rice.

I think of this Wild Rice salad as a “special” salad, because the ingredients cost a bit more than the usual run-of-the-mill salads I share. And it’s worth it, because this IS a special salad. In both looks and flavour. I see this on your Thanksgiving and Christmas table! 😉 – Nagi x

MORE SUMMER SALADS to take to gatherings 

Italian Pasta Salad Coleslaw Potato Salad and Lemon Potato Salad Pearl Couscous Salad <– personal fave! Everybody’s favourite Macaroni Salad Caprese Salad 12 Minute Sun Dried Tomato Couscous Salad Browse all Pasta Salads and Rice Salad




Beach, bush walk, dog park, marina – same, same, but different.

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